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100 members strong. ​All volunteers.


We are a true community choir. Voices blending from all walks of life, coming together for harmony and joy of singing. We invite you to get to know the life of our organization, which is truly the singers.  Below you can read their stories and hear why they continue to choose to sing. Read more about Founding Director, Carol Ruth Allen, and her journey with this beloved group of singers. Be first to know about upcoming concerts in the works (we work about a year in advance, so you'll hear all the latest right here!). Experience what our music means in this northeast Texas community, a cherished rural area with a gem of a community choir as one of its many magnetic qualities. Thank you for stopping by, and we'll see you at concert.

100 Singers
100 Stories

Cars arrive early at First United Methodist Church for a 7 p.m. rehearsal of the North East Texas Choral Society. Some singers live around the block while others trek from Greenville, Yantis, Brashear, Lake Fork, Winnsboro, or Emory.  While the August sun blazes, NETCS members gather to sing about Santa, snow, caroling, and a manger scene.


As singers fill Fellowship Hall, the work begins.  Without a word of instruction, volunteers arrange chairs; drag instruments, podiums, and stands; hook up speakers, amps . . . all to prep Fellowship Hall for two hours of practice.  Our first August rehearsal demands early attendance to pay dues, pick up music, and register new members.  We tend to greet and gab because we have not rehearsed since May.  It’s a festive reunion of kindred spirits.  We will repeat this ritual each Monday until our Christmas concert dates, and then it's starts all over for our spring concert in May.


Who are these people who begin the Christmas season in August or sing of spring in the chill of January? Some enforce the law; others listen to our hearts with a stethoscope.  Some maintain the safety of our vehicles while others approve loans.  Some teach children; others write books for kids.  Some attend high school; others graduated from high school 50 years ago.  Our singers might be your neighbor, your teacher, or your banker. 


Though we hail from many places and occupations, we share a common bond . . . the LOVE of singing.  However, our greatest joy is preparing and singing a concert for YOU, our audience.


~ Singer and soprano section leader, Jan Doerr

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