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Join our patrons, and give to North East Texas Choral Society. We thank you for your support!
Thanks to our patrons!
Hallelujah Chorus
GSC Enterprises
Ode to Joy
Alliance Bank
City National Bank
Coy & Patsy Johnson Foundation
XLNT Contracting, LLC
Amazing Grace
Dr. Charles B. and Judy Jones
Peggy Simmons
Flowerland Florist
Patsy Boshears
B. F. Hicks
Greg and Marcia Robinson
Exxon Mobil Volunteer Involvement Program
Bulkley & Associates, LLC
Coldwell Banker Watson Company
East Texas Physical Therapy
Roger and Dee Elliott
Farmers Electric Cooperative
Guaranty Bank & Trust
Owens Travel
Jay Hodge Chevrolet
Harvey and Dawn Jones
Larry and Marilyn Powers
Roper & White, Attorneys at Law
Sulphur Springs Department of Tourism
Lee and Mary Jane Teetes
Wood County Electric Co-op
All that Jazz
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