Why support singing?
We get it. Money is always tight, and people are always asking you to support their cause. From medical research to alumni fundraising, needs are great, and funds are sparse. Behind every good foundation and cause is an army of people with a mission to educate, protect, or give back. We would like the opportunity to share with you why the North East Texas Choral Society is important, educates, protects, and gives back. Our army is 100 singers strong, and our cause is fierce--we exist to cultivate arts appreciation in northeast Texas through choral music of the highest quality.
When our patrons donate to our organization, they breathe life into our $60,000 annual budget. Yes. It takes every bit of that budget to put on two concerts; for a volunteer driven, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, that is a heavy load.
With two concerts a year, we are a strong arts presence in our community. Children attending our concerts experience live performance and grow to appreciate the music, the venue, the community, and the work it takes to produce each note. In a time when arts are cut from many schools, we consider it our joy and our mission to step into the gap and continue to provide them with this musical experience. They take their love of our craft back to their school music programs, and this reinforces the fundamental truth--children need the arts in their schools and in their lives. Parents understand this and are loyal to attend our concerts with their families. This shared experience feeds the strength of the community, spanning generation to generation. This has held true for two decades of Choral Society in this community. We currently have second generation singers and some third generation audience members. We are making a difference in the family and in the community.
We educate the audience, protect the arts, and give back to the community. We would love to partner with you in this mission.
Our patrons are not left unappreciated. We continue to recognize our patrons at concerts, in programs, on our website, and return the favor by taking our singers' business straight to our patrons in our community first. We believe in hometown life, keeping our economy strong by supporting local businesses, and work hard to strengthen the tourist attraction to our area. We live in the greatest community! One visit to our area, and travelers are hooked. The same is true of our concerts. We often hear from audience members, "This is my first concert, but I'll never miss another one again."
Thank you for showing interest in the world of arts appreciation, just by giving to our lovely group of singers.
For opportunities to support North East Texas Choral Society, please click here.